© ΑΠΑΓΟΡΕΥΕΤΑΙ η αναδημοσίευση και αναπαραγωγή οποιωνδήποτε στοιχείων ή σημείων του e-περιοδικού μας, χωρίς γραπτή άδεια του υπεύθυνου π. Παναγιώτη Καποδίστρια (pakapodistrias@gmail.com), καθώς αποτελούν πνευματική ιδιοκτησία, προστατευόμενη από τον νόμο 2121/1993 και την Διεθνή Σύμβαση της Βέρνης, κυρωμένη από τον νόμο 100/1975.

ΘΕΜΑΤΙΚΑ ΕΝΘΕΤΑ. Ό,τι νεότερο εδώ!

Σάββατο 6 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014

Theo Dirix: "In search of Andreas Vesalius. The quest for the lost grave". Ένα βιβλίο για τον χαμένο στη Ζάκυνθο τάφο του κορυφαίου Βέλγου ανατόμου

Andreas Vesalius did not die returning from Jerusalem on a deserted beach in the Ionian Sea, the only victim of a shipwreck. He did not travel to the Holy Land under pressure of the Inquisition, neither as penance nor escape: he went there as a devout pilgrim with the support of his employer. Weakened by his stay and by his unfortunate return journey, he died in Zakynthos where he was buried in the Santa Maria delle Grazie Church.

Biomedical artist Pascale Pollier has long been searching for the bones of Andreas Vesalius. She was determined to make a facial reconstruction of her scientific and artistic muse. In 2011 she resonated with Theo Dirix, Consul at the Embassy of Belgium in Athens.

What began as a poetic quest for the lost grave of the father of human anatomy, has evolved into a well documented fresh appraisal of some of the mysteries in the last months of the life of Andreas Vesalius, exactly 450 years after his death, 500 years after his birth. In their exciting search, Pascale and Theo have been advised and supported by the eminences grises of Vesalius Research: Omer Steeno, Maurice Biesbrouck and Theodoor Goddeeris, who found and rediscovered historical sources that erode many fairy tales about Vesalius's biography.


Theo Dirix is sinds 25 jaar consul in Belgische ambassades in Afrika, Azië en nu in Griekenland. Eerder werkte hij voor Radio-3, becommentarieerde (Marokkaanse) literatuur en schreef reisverhalen die in diverse Nederlandstalige tijdschriften en dagbladen verschenen.

Theo Dirix has held the office of Consul in Embassies of Belgium in (successively) Tanzania, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Canada, the United Arab Emirates and, since 2011, Greece. Before 1989, he worked for the Flemish Radio 3 and commented on (mainly Moroccan) literature. He has never stopped writing travel stories (mainly about graves).

EAN 9789401421386
FORMAAT: 17cm x 24cm
AFWERKING: Paperback
NUR OMSCHRIJVING: Geschiedenis algemeen, Geneeskunde algemeen
UITGEVER: LannooCampus

[Photos: Theo Dirix and Very Rev. Panagiotis Kapodistrias / Zakynthos, 6.9.2014]

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