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Δευτέρα 18 Απριλίου 2011

Βαΐων Κυριακή στον Καθεδρικό της Βοστόνης / Palm Sunday at the Boston Cathedral


by Alex Mavradis & Paula Papadopoulos

With the superb & patient instruction of Mary & Ted Critikos & Gayle Phillips, the Cathedral youth made over 1,500 palm crosses on Friday night. To fuel the palm cross marathon, the children with their families were served dinner prepared by the PTA President, Lauren Jannakas, Faith Gordon and Megbit Semere. On Saturday of Lazarus, after attending the Divine Liturgy at the Cathedral Chapel, Sunday School students, along with the Greek School, and other members of the Cathedral community, enjoyed a delicious pancake breakfast prepared by the Kalambokis family: Michael & Ginny, their three daughters Demi, Anna & Stephanie.

The finale of last weekend was Palm Sunday, at the Cathedral in Boston, when the children led the way with palms in hand to reenact & make present the coming of the King of Kings, shouting "Hosanna in the highest!" Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord!" On a beautiful and breezy morning in Boston, over five hundred faithful Boston Cathedral Stewards, their families, friends and visitors attended the Palm Sunday Divine Liturgy. At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, children of the Cathedral's Sunday School classes formed a procession around the Cathedral, carrying palms to the Nave, where the Cathedral Dean, Fr. Cleopas Strongylis, and the visiting Priest, Archimandrite Pandeleimon Manousakis, distributed palm crosses to those in attendance. After the Divine Liturgy and a brief coffee hour hosted by the Philoptochos of the Cathedral, stewards and families enjoyed a delicious Lenten Dinner at the Cathedral Center in Brookline, MA. Children were given Easter gifts.

Photos generously offered by Mr. Alex Mavradis

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